
UPDATE – 27/03/20
We would just like to confirm that following the Government’s statement, allotment holders are still permitted to carry on managing their allotments.
We would ask that you follow any current social distancing rules, and be mindful when using the gates and water taps, as these are not cleaned by the Charity.


The allotments are the responsibility of Kingham Fuel Allotment Charity.

They are located next to the Village Car Park, across from The Green.

They are rented on an annual basis from January.  Rent requests are sent to allotment holders at the beginning of the year.  Payment can be be made by cheque, cash or bank transfer.

Rental rates
Full plot – £10 per annum
Half plot – £5 per annum
The water bills are divided equally between the allotment holders and added to the annual rent request.

Increase in rental rates from 2021
From 2021 the rental rates will be as below
Full plot – £20 per annum
Half plot – £11 per annum

Rental rates from 2022
From 2022 the rental rates will be as below
Full plot – £20 per annum
Part plot (any size) – £11 per annum

Allotment inspections
Allotments are inspected regularly by the Trustees as part of the rental agreement to ensure that they are being worked and kept in good order.  Letters are sent to allotment holders if it has been decided that work is required to bring the allotment into a good state.  If it is considered that an allotment is not being worked, the Trustees reserve the right to end to the tenancy.

Waiting List
If you would like an allotment, please contact the Clerk to the Trustees,, to be added to the waiting list.


Kingham Fuel Allotment - Annual Meeting October 2019
KFA - Habitual or vexatious complaints policy - rev A
KFA - Tenancy Agreement Enforcement and Termination Policy - rev A
KFA - Waiting List Policy - rev B
KFA - Inspection and Eviction Appeals Form - rev A
KFA - Inspection and Eviction Appeals Procedure - ref A

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