
Kingham Newsletter is published every month with the exception of January. It can be purchased at the Village Stores. It is also available by e-mail in pdf or docx format. An e-mail subscription costs £5.50 for 11 issues. Cheque or cash please, payable to Kingham Village Newsletter. Please post to the Newsletter Treasurer – leave in an envelope in the newsletter folder at Kingham Village Store.

The cover price of 50p is used to cover the cost of production. The Newsletter is put together by a voluntary team of 5 residents which includes a rota of 3 editors. The content is almost entirely provided by regular and occasional contributors together with selected and edited press releases from West Oxfordshire District Council. Contributions can be sent by e-mail or may be left in the Newsletter folder at Kingham Village Store. The regular content includes:

  • A front cover cartoon featuring Hamlet, (a royal pig, the village mascot)
  • Reports from village clubs and organisations
  • Notes of the meetings of the Parish Council
  • Church News
  • Gardening tips and Nature Notes
  • Contributions from Churchill and Bledington
  • A village diary
  • Village events
  • A directory of contact details for village organisations
Anything else that the editors think will be of interest to the village From its inception in its current format, the newsletter team decided that we wanted the newsletter content to be mostly contributed articles rather than advertisements. Our objective would be to cover production costs by sales income. There are several free publications that advertise goods and services to local residents that fulfil this service. However we have a policy to accept, at the editor’s discretion, a very limited number of advertisements. The cost is £5 for an A5 page and £3 for half a page. The Newsletter is produced in Microsoft Word (docx format) in A5 format black/white with illustrations in greyscale.
The contact email for the Newsletter is

Job Vacancy – Kingham Parish Council Clerk

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TTRO (T13687) Temporary Road Closure, Churchill, Kingham Road and Churchill Road

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